Blacks & Browns

5 products

Beautiful blacks and brilliant browns... dark shades of hair can look fantastically sleek and glossy or big and show stopping. But for really head turning hair, some of us need a little help to turn our natural locks into supernatural locks. If you’re a brunette or have dark or afro hair, then there are plenty of options to add a little va va voom to your hair, spicing things up and giving you a whole new look. Whether you want a temporary fix for a night out or something a little more permanent, these days no one has to settle for anything less than amazing hair. Black hair extensions and brown hair extensions are the obvious choice for boosting your own hair. These can be woven in discreetly, giving you an extra blast of volume. As many of these are made from real hair, they don’t look fake, either - instead they just give you a natural looking head of thick, gorgeous hair. Maybe you’re not a brunette but fancy being one for the night! To give yourself a radical new look, then go for a wig. Far from fancy dress, a good wig will change your appearance totally, but look natural and feel comfortable and well fitting. A great option for girls who like mixing things up once in a while. Have you always fancied a fringe but don’t fancy going for the chop? Well, a clip in fringe is the perfect answer. This fits naturally in with your own hair, essentially giving you a whole new do, without scissors even coming near your hair. In the same way, you can create a ponytail using a clip in extension. Keep it smooth and sleek or give it some cute curls... either way, you can give your friends hair envy. One thing to remember when you are adding hair extensions or clip ins to your hair is to try to match them to your own shade - unless you’re going for a contrasting look, of course. Most people add extensions to create the illusion of volume, so you need to pick a colour that isn’t going to stand out too much. So check out whether your hair is light, medium, dark or black, and choose accordingly.